Manage your menopause/perimenopause
Make the transition smoother - taking time out for your emotional and spiritual wellbeing using natural means, whether you are on HRT or not. The menopause is inevitable and happens to all women who are lucky enough to live to middle age. However, we are all unique. Your symptoms are unique to you, whether you have hot flushes, rage/anger, brain fog, bloating, itchy skin or are tired, emotional, stressed...the list goes on... Your treatment and coaching will be bespoke to you and your needs.
Taking the time to listen to your symptoms but also find out about your lifestyle, what you've currently tried and really get to know you. This well help to offer tailored 1-2-1 coaching, tackling the things that matter to you most.
Making your menopause manageable.
The perimenopause can last between a few months and several years. Support is key. Mindset is also a really important factor. These sessions will help you in mind, body and spirit.
Stop living in limbo...live your life to the fullest and look forward to a life after the menopause with this menopause package.
What treatments can I expect to help with my menopause/perimenopause?
Reflexology can be a wonderfully relaxing experience where you can take time out from
everyday pressures - helping with hot flushes and night sweats associated with perimenopause.
Certain essential oils have specific properties that makes them ideal for treating symptoms of perimenopause. Use of essential oils can be used to help with:
Hot flushes
Slowing down osteoarthritis
Balancing hormones
Dry skin
Increased estrogen levels
Improved mood
Digestive problems
Fluid retention
+ many more
Also, blends can be created for the following general objectives (mind and well-being):
When booking an aromatherapy massage, please state the complaints/objective of the massage. Also please check with your doctor if you are on
Hypnotherapy is like a massage for the mind. It is a skilled communication aimed at directing a person's imagination in a way that helps elicit changes in some perceptions, sensations, feelings, thoughts and behaviours.
It may also help with minor skin conditions that are exacerbated by stress and confidence issues, and may also be used to enhance performance in areas such as sport and public speaking. Hypnotherapy may help people to cope with and manage the relief of perceived pain.
Perhaps you struggle with hot flushes, anger or regrets or perhaps you would like to be more accepting of the next stage of your life... A session will be tailormade to your individual needs.
What can I expect?
A consultation will take place to understand your individual needs and a bespoke treatment created. As well as the treatments, you can also expect some coaching and knowledge around lifestyle to help you through your menopause.
Your first session will be about 90 minutes, with the subsequent 2 sessions being 75 minutes each.
How much?
For the 3 sessions totalling 4 hours, there is an introductory offer on for £185. You will learn to understand your body, be given knowledge on how to improve your lifestyle (and therefore symptoms).
What next?
When you book in, you are booking in for your 1st session, which is reflexology (hand/face or foot) and your first 'lifestyle audit' that will last 90 minutes in total. At the end of that appointment you will book in for your next 2 sessions (which will be 75 minutes each).
You can maintain your wellbeing with regular monthly sessions in whichever therapy you found most helpful for your menopause symptoms