Hopi Ear Candling
Ear candling is a relaxing treatment which claims to have a variety of health benefits.
When lit, ear candles work by vaporising their ingredients and creating air flow towards the ear.
Benefits of ear candling may include:
+ relaxation and stress relief
+ stimulation of local energy flow
+ the softening and loosening of compacted earwax
+ relief from sinus problems, headaches and snoring
+ easing pressure problems following flying and diving
+ temporary relief from tinnitus
+ reduced irritation of the ear canal
+ ear fluid circulation
What is ear candling?
The term 'candle' is something of a misnomer since the products used are not candles as we usually understand them. Ear candles are hollow tubes made from unbleached cotton or linen and hardened with beeswax. They are infused with honey and various herbs. When alight they resemble candles, hence the name.
Origins of ear candling
Ear candling is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries in many cultures throughout the world. In Mexico, cones are placed next to the ear to aid healing. Historical records in the Indian subcontinent also show that oils and wax-removing sticks have been used, along with smoke being blown into a person's ear.
A common treatment for earache in Iran was to smoke a pipe filled with various therapeutic herbs and blow the smoke into the ears to alleviate pain. Ear candling was also widely practiced in Italy, Spain and Eastern Europe, using materials such as rolled tobacco leaves and waxed cloth or paper and these methods are still in use in some places.
Other names given to ear candling including: coning, thermo or thermal auricular therapy and thermotherapy.
Can everyone enjoy ear candling?
Ear candling is suitable for most adults and can be used on older children once their suitability to lie still for the duration of the treatment has been assessed by me. There are certain conditions (such as perforated eardrums) where you should avoid ear candling and to ensure the continued well-being, a consultation will be taken prior to each treatment to ensure that ear candling is right for you.
When can you not have ear candling?
Please be aware that the following can restrict you from having ear candling:
infectious diseases (viral e.g. flu/bacterial e.g. impetigo/fungal/infestations e.g. head lice)
active shingles
pregnancy (in first 12 weeks)
a temperature (wait 24 hrs until your temperature has gone down)
diarrhoea and /or vomiting in last 24 hours
dysfunction of the nervous system
under the influence of alcohol/drugs
any recent neck or head injury
infections in the ear
perforated eardrum
If any doubts, please do message me.
What happens during an ear candling treatment?
An ear candling treatment typically lasts approximately 40 minutes. Following a consultation, as your therapist, I will do a brief examination of the ear to check for inflammation. You will lie on your side on a couch. A towel will be placed over your hair and a candle with a protective disc will be gently inserted into opening of the ear (only so far to create a 'vacuum').
Once treatment of the first ear is completed, it will be repeated on the other ear. During treatment you may experience gentle heat around the ear and a feeling of pressure being released in the ears or sinuses. You may hear popping sounds and a pleasant crackling as the ingredients are burning.
After your treatment?
Once both ears have been treated, you should rest for 10-15 minutes. During this time, a soothing massage of the neck, ears, face and scalp will be given. I will then review any residue in the ear candles and provide you with further advice if required.
It is advisable to avoid water sports and swimming for 24 hours after treatment. Keep your ears warm (and protect from wind) as they may feel slightly more sensitive to the environment for a few hours after treatment.
£40 for 40 minutes